Sevana PDE


Software application for capturing legacy data on birth-death-marriage registrations.


  • Local masters can be created for hospitals, institutions etc. facility for data entry management and monitoring. This makes data entry easy.
  • Facility for recording the details of data entry done by each operator with key depression count. This helps improve the quality of data entry centres and operators. Helps in preparation of data entry bills.
  • Facility to integrate the information collected though pre-processing with the application. This helps separation of mistakes due to problems in registers and data entry errors.
  • Facility to track major mistakes in registers during, data entry itself.
  • Facility to make information in English for records pertaining to the period before 2000, and in Malayalam for records pertaining to the period after 2000, consistent with the change in registration rules.
  • In addition to capturing the data in the registers as it is , the module helps standardisation of educational qualification, occupations, causes of death etc.
  • Facility to record statistical information
  • Facility to integrate the data captured through Sevana PDE with the online application.